Breezey clouds flowing
Breezey clouds flowing

About Breezey

The mind naturally wants to wander. Breezey builds machines which fulfill our physical needs, allowing us to move more and organize less. In other words, Breezey brings supplies on the fly.

These are early days for the company. Follow its founder, Arturas, on LinkedIn for updates.

The mind naturally wants to wander. Breezey builds machines which fulfill our physical needs, allowing us to move more and organize less. In other words, Breezey brings supplies on the fly.

These are early days for the company. Follow its founder, Arturas, on LinkedIn for updates.

The mind naturally wants to wander. Breezey builds machines which fulfill our physical needs, allowing us to move more and organize less. In other words, Breezey brings supplies on the fly.

These are early days for the company. Follow its founder, Arturas, on LinkedIn for updates.

Meet QyO

Breezey's inaugural product is a bona fide hustler.

QyO "quantizes your offerings" which is an elegant parlance for storing and carrying individual items to you! A la carte via cart

Breezey's inaugural product is a bona fide hustler.

QyO "quantizes your offerings" which is an elegant parlance for storing and carrying individual items to you! A la carte via cart

Ars longa, vita brevis.

Breezey machines move mass

Life's too short to ask "where's this?"

You want it, QyO gets it fast

Ars longa, vita brevis.

Breezey machines move mass

Life's too short to ask "where's this?"

You want it, QyO gets it fast

Ars longa, vita brevis.

Breezey machines move mass

Life's too short to ask "where's this?"

You want it, QyO gets it fast

Seize the Breeze

Milestones Ahead

Buckle up.

Breezey's building QyO in Boston. This idea is iterating rapidly. Our execution will be measured by the quantity of objects moved per hour. Once we have confidence in a comfortable user experience, we will begin accepting orders.

Timelines are optimistic. You should be too, this century is amazing!


Breezey's Beginning

October 16, 2023

MVP Beverage Service Demo

MVP Beverage Service Demo

MVP Beverage Service Demo

Febuary 21, 2024

April 21, 2024

QyO Feature Completion

QyO Feature Completion

QyO Feature Completion

Q2 2024

Q2 2024

Q4 2024

Initial Customer Deployment Target

Q4 2024

Q4 2024

Q2 2025

Join Breezey!

Join Breezey!

Join Breezey!

Are you a burst of fresh air trapped in a stuffy room? Breeze into the team! Send an email introducing yourself and a project you've delivered.

Are you a burst of fresh air trapped in a stuffy room? Breeze into the team! Send an email introducing yourself and a project you've delivered.

© 2023 the Breezey Machine Company

© 2023 the Breezey Machine Company